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HHS 1: Emergenetics

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Product Details


This module will be a live, 2 hour webinar. You will receive an email from me to coordinate date and time of the webinar. You will also receive instructions and a hyperlink from me to complete your Emergenetics profile.

Please make sure to complete your profile at least 24 hours prior to your webinar.

This module discusses:

  • Emergenetics!
    • What is it?
    • How will it help you to better know yourself?
    • How will it help you to better know and understand your human clients?
    • How will it help you to better communicate with and teach your human clients?
    • How will it help you to better know and understand your horse clients?
    • How will it help you to better communicate with and train your horse clients?

How will this work?

  1. You will receive an email invite to our webinar with all the information you need to log into the Zoom call after a date and time have been set.
  2. You will receive all documents that you need approximately 24 hours before your webinar via email.
  3. Assignments
    1. You can either send assignments as Word or PDF documents to my email or share them via GoogleDocs. I also have DropBox if you prefer that software. You are always welcome to include questions you'd like answered, and pictures and/or video that you'd like feedback on. For videos, it seems GoogleDrive can work, or upload them to YouTube and send me the link.
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HHS 1: Emergenetics
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