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HHS 1: Emergenetics
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Product Details
This module will be a live, 2 hour webinar. You will receive an email from me to coordinate date and time of the webinar. You will also receive instructions and a hyperlink from me to complete your Emergenetics profile.
Please make sure to complete your profile at least 24 hours prior to your webinar.
This module discusses:
- Emergenetics!
- What is it?
- How will it help you to better know yourself?
- How will it help you to better know and understand your human clients?
- How will it help you to better communicate with and teach your human clients?
- How will it help you to better know and understand your horse clients?
- How will it help you to better communicate with and train your horse clients?
How will this work?
- You will receive an email invite to our webinar with all the information you need to log into the Zoom call after a date and time have been set.
- You will receive all documents that you need approximately 24 hours before your webinar via email.
- Assignments
- You can either send assignments as Word or PDF documents to my email or share them via GoogleDocs. I also have DropBox if you prefer that software. You are always welcome to include questions you'd like answered, and pictures and/or video that you'd like feedback on. For videos, it seems GoogleDrive can work, or upload them to YouTube and send me the link.
HHS 1: Emergenetics
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