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  • Natural Horse Care Expert

  • Positive Reinforcement Trainer


  • Emergenetics Certified Associate

  • Certified Wayfinder Coach

  • World Bitless Association Affiliate Trainer

  • EDIX Saddles, Trekker Flexible Saddles, and Hidalgo Sattel US Representative

  • Independent Saddle Fitter

Ari is the founder of Haven Horsemanship. She has loved horses all of her life, from the moment she crawled underneath a gentled mustang to pet its stomach at the age of two. 


After spending over a decade in the hunter/jumper world, she struck out on her own in 2012. This allowed Ari to experiment with other ways of keeping, caring for, and connecting with horses.


Expanding her knowledge of equine behavior and psychology, natural horse care, holistic horsemanship and science based horse training has allowed her methods to evolve. 


Ari is passionate about healing the relationship between horses and humans, by honoring horses and honoring humans - individually, and together.


She takes a holistic approach towards supporting this evolution by not only supporting the mental, emotional and physical development with horses, but actually starting with humans first. Ari integrates the various skills that she has learned about in her life coaching and Emergenetics certifications.

Ari's equine family includes Uno, Champ, Major, Tiki, Ciara and Friday.


They look forward to meeting you and love participating in equine education sessions, both on the ground and under saddle.

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